General Contractors Insurance

We offer the best liability insurance deals for general contractors across Canada


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Why Is Insurance Important for General Contractors?

Whether you run a one-person operation or a team of subcontractors, the projects you work on carry significant risks. A fire could break out where you did your work, someone could steal your tools and equipment, or a client may claim that the work you did caused structural damage to their property. 

Plumbing, electrical work, construction – all these jobs carry costly risks. But that’s not going to stop you from working. You can manage all those risks with the right general contractor insurance policy, specially designed for general contractors who handle various work, and subsequently, risk.

Get Protected with General Contractor Insurance

General contractors are exposed to numerous risks because of the nature of their work. Contractor business insurance provides much-needed protection.


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Insurance Coverage For General Contractors

Construction and renovation work exposes contractors to a myriad of risks. It’s not difficult to imagine why!
This basic insurance coverage protects you against general liability, property damage, personal injuries, theft and more.

Property Damage

While doing structural work in an old building, or constructing a new building, it is possible that you or your employees may accidentally cause some form of property damage. Your clients may hold you liable for any damages that occur when you are responsible for renovation/construction, even if the problem is discovered long after the project is over. Liability insurance for general contractors may be beneficial in such a scenario.

Third-Party Bodily Injury

Someone may injure themselves because of tools laying around. Or there may be a devastating gas leak in a pipe you installed. Or structural work that you completed may collapse and injure a bystander. The possibilities are endless. 


Your job requires you to own important tools and equipment, and unfortunately, theft is a real problem. What if your tools are stolen while you’re working on a big project? Not only would you suffer from massive losses in property, but you may also be unable to complete your project.

general contractor insurance for risks

Insurance Costs Depends on Many Factors

Number of Employees

The size of your team will affect your premium rate. In addition to the number of team members, insurance companies will factor in how many years of experience they have, as inexperienced subcontractors are exposed to greater risk. 


Temperatures and weather conditions vary from coast to coast. If you’re in BC, Alberta, Ontario, or Nova Scotia weather risks are different and so are your policy costs.

 Other Factors

Working on residential buildings versus commercial buildings, the number of stories in the buildings you work on, whether you do structural work on load-bearing walls or not – these are all factors that may affect your premium.

general contractor insurance cost

Property Theft

You store equipment and tools worth $20,000 in your trailer. When it’s time to travel to the site of construction in the morning, you discover that the lock on your trailer is broken, and your tools stolen.

Fire Damage

While working on a condo construction project, you are partnering with one of your subcontractors to weld a connection when he accidentally sets fire to the insulation in the wall. It takes some time to put out the fire, and unfortunately the property suffers smoke damage.

general contractor insurance for all types of contracting work

Whatever the circumstances are, being protected with a comprehensive general contractor insurance policy is the best option!

Why Get a General Contractor Insurance Quote From Us?

Forget about finding a local broker, booking an appointment, and waiting for up to a month before receiving a quote. Getting a contractor insurance quote is a breeze with us. Here are four reasons why:

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    Our Insurance Providers

    We help contractors get business insurance from top Canadian providers through our partner, Zensurance.