We offer the best liability insurance deals for landscaping contractors across Canada


Looking for Landscaping Liability Insurance? We Can Help!

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Why Is Insurance Important for Landscapers?

Whether you run a one-person operation or a team of landscapers, the projects you work on carry significant risks. Problems with installing irrigation systems, faulty materials, property damage – the possibilities are endless. 

What’s the solution? Protect yourself and your team with landscaping liability insurance. Whether you are a residential landscaper, or you specialize in landscaping public spaces, we can provide a bridge to the most comprehensive liability and equipment coverage options.

Get Protected with Landscaping Insurance

Landscapers are exposed to numerous risks because of the nature of their work. Landscaper business insurance provides much-needed protection.


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Insurance Coverage for Landscapers

Installing and maintaining outdoor spaces in Canada involves more risk than most expect. This basic liability coverage protects you against third parties’ property damage and personal injuries

Third-Party Property Damage

If an irrigation installation goes wrong, or a leak due to faulty materials leads to significant property damage where the system is installed, you may be sued. Even if the damages happen or are discovered long after you completed the project, you may be held liable. General liability insurance may provide coverage in such cases.

Third-Party Bodily Injury

Defective installations may also result in injuries to third parties, or someone may be injured from equipment laying around while working on your project. As unfortunate as they may be, such incidents are common. General liability insurance may provide coverage in the case of bodily injuries to third parties.


Insurance Cost Depends on Many Factors

Number of Employees

Inexperienced landscapers are more likely to make errors. The number of employees you have, and their level of experience will affect your insurance premium.


Temperatures and weather conditions vary from coast to coast. If you’re in BC, Alberta, Ontario, or Nova Scotia weather risks are different and so are your policy costs.

Other Factors

Working on residential gardens versus commercial spaces, the scope of your business, what elements you include in your designs – these are all factors that may affect your premium.


Property Damage

You are required to install a new irrigation system for the design of a residential property. A few months after the project wraps up, a valve bursts, floods the backyard and causes severe property damage.

Workplace Injury

While trimming the branches off a tree, your employee slips and falls off a ladder, resulting in a major concussion.


Whatever the circumstances are, being protected with a comprehensive landscaping insurance policy is the best option!

Why Get a Landscaping Insurance Quote From Us?

Forget about finding a local broker, booking an appointment, and waiting for up to a month before receiving a quote. Getting a landscaping insurance quote is a breeze with us. Here are four reasons why:

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    Our Insurance Providers

    We help contractors get business insurance from top Canadian providers through our partner, Zensurance.