Snow Removal Contractor Insurance

We offer the best liability insurance deals for snow removal contractors across Canada


Looking for Snow Removal Liability Insurance? We Can Help!

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Why Is Insurance Important for Snow Removal Contractors?

Whether you run a one-person operation or a large snow removal company, the projects you work on carry significant risks. Problems with clearing snow, de-icing, property damage, slip-and-fall accidents – the possibilities are endless.

What’s the solution? Protect yourself and your team with snow removal contractor liability insurance. Whether you are a residential snow removal contractor or specialize in snow removal for commercial and provincial spaces, we can provide a bridge to the most comprehensive liability and equipment coverage options.

Get Protected with Snow Removal Insurance

Snow removal contractors are exposed to numerous risks because of the nature of their work. Snow removal business insurance provides much-needed protection.


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Liability Coverage for Snow Removal Contractors

Clearing snow and de-icing roads in Canada involves more risk than most other contracting work. This basic liability coverage protects you against property damage and personal injuries to third parties.

Property Damage

When clearing a busy residential street, you accidentally plow over someone’s lawn, causing significant damage. Even if the damages are discovered long after completing the project, and the snow has melted, you may be held liable. General liability insurance may provide coverage in such cases.

Third-Party Injuries

Slip-and-fall injuries, failure to sand and salt icy areas, or failure to post adequate signage may result in injuries to third parties. Unfortunately, these scenarios are common in the snow removal industry. General liability insurance may provide coverage in the case of bodily injuries to third parties.


Insurance Costs Depends on Many Factors

Number of Employees

Inexperienced snow removal contractors are more likely to make errors. The number of employees you have, and their level of experience will affect your insurance premium.


Temperatures and weather conditions vary from coast to coast. If you’re in BC, Alberta, Ontario, or Nova Scotia weather risks are different and so are your policy costs.

Other Factors

Working on residential streets versus commercial streets or provincial highways, your driving record, previous auto claims – these are all factors that may affect your premium.


Workplace Injuries

Examples of workplace injuries or accidents snow removal contractors are exposed to include: 

  • An employee loses his balance and falls when removing snow from a roof, sustaining a mild concussion.
  • When clearing snow at a construction site, an employee falls down an open elevator shaft that didn’t have temporary guardrails installed around it, resulting in serious injuries.

Property Damage

When clearing a parking lot, an employee accidentally hits a parked car with the snowplow, causing moderate damage to the vehicle.


Whatever the circumstances are, being protected with a comprehensive contractor insurance policy is the best option!

Why Get a Snow Removal Insurance Quote From Us?

Forget about finding a local broker, booking an appointment, and waiting for up to a month before receiving a quote. Getting a snow removal insurance quote is a breeze with us. Here are four reasons why:

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    Our Insurance Providers

    We help contractors get business insurance from top Canadian providers through our partner, Zensurance.